
Goings on About Town: Art

by Vince Aletti

Charles Swedlund

The New Yorker


The Chicago-born photographer, who turned eighty this year, made his mark in the sixties and seventies, with back-to-the-garden nudes and trippy double exposures that found a common ground between the avant-garde and the countercultural. Between 1970 and 1975, he also created toys, games, and the other playful photographic ephemera gathered here, nearly all of which are sly delivery systems for his images of long-haired Eves wandering in the woods. Swedlund pasted his pictures on wooden coins available in gumball machines. He made flip-books (one of his pregnant wife), buttons, stickers, and a zoetrope, but the best way to see his work is on stereo cards. A stereoscopic viewer allows visitors to appreciate his multilayered images in hallucinogenic 3-D. Through Oct. 3.