David Zwirner introduces AIPAD with one of the few monographic booths – Higher Pictures is one of the other courageous galleries assuming an exclusive aesthetic identity for the occasion with a series of K8 Hardy, a kind of contemporary Claude Cahun diverting sexuality and photography as a social and plastic commitment. David Zwirner exposes James Welling, the incarnation of the West Coast. One begins to hear a few words about Paris Photo LA in the corridors. Whispers rather than real discussions, since everyone is too focused on the photos that burst on the walls of the huge makeshift hall of the former armory, when not interrupted by one of the many familiar faces. A “galaxy of heads,” as stated in the caption of a picture by James Wallace Black (circa 1871) exhibited by William L. Schaeffer in one of the most social aisle of the fair. The gallery presents a collection of photographs and other mechanical and visual experimentations that occurred throughout the twentieth century, many images of another time that would require a full day of exploration. Exposed in the hallway, “Galaxy of heads” arises as an amusing metaphor of what one lives at this very moment, not knowing who to give eyes to: acquaintances or images? Between two visual delights, we exchange words, gossips, news, congratulations. AIPAD is a success this year again. Hats off – or top hats – as seems to suggest a vintage by Weegee presented by Henry Feldstein. Loosely, here are some highlights of the fair: Heidi Specker at Brancolini Grimaldi, Tom Wood at Gallery Eric Franck, a doubling at Edwynn Houk with Harry Callahan and Danny Lyon, D. W. Mellor at Robert Burge and Nikolay Bakharev at Julie Saul. Among many others. There are many treasures to be discovered, just like the one contained in a small box at Michael Shapiro: the playful and photographic surprises by Jefferson Layman. AIPAD 2013 is as bright as the sparkling portraits by Ayano Sudo, exhibited at the Japanese gallery Picture Photo Space, where the artist will be present every day, each day hidden in a different costume.
by Laurence Cornet
AIPAD Photography Show
Le Journal de la Photographie