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Alfred Gescheidt
Exhibition: Alfred Gescheidt - 30 Ways to Stop Smoking

Higher Pictures presents the second solo exhibition of Alfred Gescheidt, 30 Ways To Stop Smoking.

Known for both flattering and mocking American sensibilities, Gescheidt was brash, driven,

New York and unique. Hewas a gun-for-hire photographic artist during the boom of the 50s and 60s Mad Men advertising era. His imagination, combined with his technical prowess, made him a sought-after idea man and innovator, quickly establishing him as leader of both technique and content in his field.

Born and raised in New York City, he, like many artists of his time, was drafted into the Navy toward the end of World War II, at the age of nineteen. A year after completing military service, he enrolled at the University of Mexico in Albuquerque on the GI Bill, then transferred to the Art Center School in Los Angeles where he studied under Will Connell and George Hoyningen-Huene. After graduating, Gescheidt returned to New York to open his own studio and focus on image making, developing the visual side of ad campaigns for New York’s leading agencies and magazines.

For further information contact Kim Bourus at 212.249.6100.